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♥ Saturday, November 15, 2008 ♥


i dunno if anyone reads from this anymore but - i shall update. hahaha

apparently - if he doesn't speak that way, those aussies can't understand him. =_="

anyway, jas, ray, bryan and i went to the airport to pick him up from the airport. it was going to be a surprise for him cuz we told him we were all busy and stuff.

we had a plan when we were T3's TCC. our initial plan was to hide there then when sebas walks pass us after collecting his luggage; the four of us will wave frantically to attract his attention! upon seeing us, it will be so surprised!! and he shouldn't believe that he is actually seeing us pick him up!! total drama lah!

we looked totally comical because we were all damn freaking excited!! we were practically fusing our faces into the planes to have a better look. i tot my neck was going to break from the strain.

False alarm on the left. bloody hell - got us so excited. and the stupid thing was that we all agreed readily that he MUST BE SEBAS!! Do you spot a promising young man walking in the photo on the right? lol...

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we spotted him!! at this point onwards - F*** those stupid curtains.

OI OI OI!! come back!! you are limping in the wrong direction!!

when we spotted sebaz pulling his little suitcase and walking AWAY from us! we were like 'NO NO NO!! this way this way!!' the dishearted four of us had to abandon our perfect plan A and just walk up to him to surprise him.

the only problem in our plan? he simply zeroed in on his family who was at the gate away from TCC. we were in a place which was totally out of his path. zzzz.

group photo!

but he was very happy to see us lah. that poor boy was limping his way to the arrival hall lor. next time beware of oyster shells. those little devils.. tsk tsk tsk...

we went separate ways and met up at clementi to have supper. gangyi was just in time to join us too! the six of us fitted the round tables nicely lah!! its like family reunion! woots. sebas was hungry for loads of local food. the rest of us were hungry and so we ordered ALOT of food. yeah! happy!! yak yak yak. laugh laugh laugh. *smiles*

his face is back! hahaha

chao kway tiao, BBQ sotong and stingray, hee mee, laska and our favourite beer!!

next up - mahjong!! beach! drinks! food! fun-filled activities!! muahahhaha =D

maybe we will met again soon to play ball? after someone removes his stitches that is.

♥ 10:38 PM ♥

♥ Tuesday, August 12, 2008 ♥

Ah Tam's farewell

anyway i just realised that i forgot to blog about ah tam's farewell party. sigh~ the softball alumni is shrinking because our third base man has gone to join our fellow second base man, Sebez, in aussie to study. sigh.. so sad right..

so the F2 ogls and softballers jointly organised a potluck farewell party for him! we had pasta, fried chicken, BOOBOO cake from NYDC, durian puff, sushi etc. we had so much food that we ended up playing games to force people to eat up the leftovers. while we were not trying to force people to eat two pieces of chicken when they are already bursting at their seams; our 'food fusion' dishes are really a cross between several types of food. lol. i think the food photos are with someone else. oh well..

durian puff+salmon sushi+duck sauce+mushroom sauce+mash potatoe anyone?

friends who attended include: bryan, rayson, jasmine, yingxiang, yongshen, fabius, desmond, gangyi, me, kangwei, derek and ah tam of course! We had the whole tent to ourselves... and thank god could accommodate our two tables of food because it was raining!

the F2 ogls and softballers all love to cam-whore. hee hee hee

yingxiang and jasmine

group photo 1: wooo~ what  a dreamy looking photo~! lol. 

group photo2: we have david copperfield amongst us cuz ah tam can fly~!!

and what do we do when we have the pool next to us...?

we dunk people. and when we dunk people, it means all the guys will get it. hahaha.

it was damn funny to see them struggling when the guys decide it would be fun to dunk people. i know it's ah tam's farewell party but Yongshen was the first one to hit the water. hahaha and unfortunately, he was wearing white pants that day. *BLUSH* on our way to the 2nd pool, everyone was on high alert and ready to run at the first sign of trouble! its is kinda funny to can see everyone trying to avoid the inevitable. hahahaha.

amongst the guests, only jas, yingxiang and i were dry. hohoho. girls dun usually get dunked.

we were chased out of the 1st poolside because the residents complained about us, even when we were already whispering and trying to supress our giggles. aiyo~ it was only 10.30pm you know? i don't think singaporeans sleep so early lor.

the video below is roughly the summary of the people dunked that day. damn funny when i viewed it. thanks yongshen for the hard work! lol. everyone was so high because of the adrenaline running in their blood.

hopefully when everyone comes back for, we can have a gathering again. =D i miss hanging out with the softballers!

the water boys were so high - they just went trigger happy.

the first 5 in the water

all smiles for the water boys

put your hands in the air baby~!

OMG - bryan knows how to  do qi gong! walk on water!!

♥ 11:49 AM ♥

♥ Wednesday, July 30, 2008 ♥

Rayson's 21st

Date: 26 July 2008
Venue: Timbre@Arthouse
Occasion: Rayson's belated 21st birthday party

Happy birthday to you!
Happy birthday to you!
Happy birthday to Rayson!
Happy birthday to you!

Yeah the softballers and F2 ogls meet again! people who turned up include Jasmine and Rayson, Bryan, Junhan, Pearl, Yongshen and I!

our favourite place to meet is TIMBRE~! music - ok. pizza - not bad. ambience - pretty nice. company - absolutely wonderful!

prize presentation. hmm i wonder who is the shy girl hiding her face with her hands??

Rayson wants to eat his present?! tsk tsk tsk... bad boy!! i know it looks absolutely lovely but it's wood lah. cannot eat!

timbre's many many nice thin crust pizza is a better choice! eat pizza with loads of cheese!

the waiter who had been serving us the whole nite. good job dude.


let's toast to many more years of friendship!

this is probably only other normal looking photo that we took that nice.  taken near the entrance of its bar because it was drizzling alittle outside. hahahaha. oh well. anyway we all had abit more to drink and happy tipsy people love cam-whoring away!!!

cam-whore. cam-whore. cam-whore. lol. i think only people like us make ugly/funny faces when we cam-whore. hur hur hur.

take 1 - *chu* oops. 

take 2 - *chuu* yeah! 

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♥ 12:00 PM ♥

♥ Saturday, July 12, 2008 ♥

Jasmine's 21st

DATE: 28 June 08

yuyin and the birthday girl!! woohoo! very tanned and pink! woots!

softballers and f2 ogls were present. i wanted to put more pictures but then the group photos were with someone else. tsk tsk tsk. why never send arh? anyway, since the theme was hawaii! lets see who was the most hawaii-ish?

these two flower boys. lol. this is the pink-iest i have ever seen rayson. lol. but what to do? its her pink princess's birthday!

actually bryan was the 'star' of the night because of a special reason. everyone present should know!

hahaha i haven't gotten his permission to put up the photos so i will leave it out first. lol. everyone was laughing at his manly abs. tsk tsk tsk. more guys should have manly abs like him! hee hee..

anyway i was a great chance for everyone to meet up and man, its been quite some time since we met up. everyone is just B.U.S.Y. we don't even go timbre together anymore. tsk tsk tsk.  

on the topic of timbre.. what is a 21st birthday party without some alcohol?

hahaha no lah. alcohol is not a must - just that there happened to be alchol around. anyway - this is really really nice! all of us were like drinking and drinking! coffee layered liqueur. we ran out of cups, so we used bowls. that was so wu-xia. and after you drink, you are supposed to those the bowl behind. 

the event ended with everyone toasting to jasmine. eh - i personally don't really like jim beam but never mixed jim bean with green tea. it is just WEIRD!

♥ 12:00 PM ♥